Uses of Class

Packages that use LawPropertyRecord
noope.entities Classes representing physical objects modelled by NOOPE. 
noope.input Classes related to data input. 
noope.laws Classes describing force laws modelled by NOOPE. 
noope.output Classes related to data output. 

Uses of LawPropertyRecord in noope.entities

Fields in noope.entities declared as LawPropertyRecord
protected  LawPropertyRecord[]
          An array of LawPropertyRecords that store the properties of this entity for each Law currently in use

Methods in noope.entities that return LawPropertyRecord
 LawPropertyRecord Entity.getPropertyRecord(int lawnumber)
          This method gets the LawPropertyRecord corresponding to the law with the given number.

Uses of LawPropertyRecord in noope.input

Methods in noope.input that return LawPropertyRecord
abstract  LawPropertyRecord LawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          This method should create a new LawPropertyRecord object.
 LawPropertyRecord HardCodedLawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Creates a new instance of the given class.
 LawPropertyRecord DynamicLawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          This method dynamically loads the class with the given name.

Uses of LawPropertyRecord in noope.laws

Subclasses of LawPropertyRecord in noope.laws
 class GravityPropertyRecord
          This is the LawPropertyRecord class associated with the Gravity law.
 class SphereCollisionPropertyRecord
          This is the LawPropertyRecord used by the SphereCollision law to store the radius of each Entity.

Methods in noope.laws that return LawPropertyRecord
 LawPropertyRecord Law.constructNewPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Create a new LawPropertyRecord from the BlockReader object.
 LawPropertyRecord Gravity.constructNewPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Returns a new GravityPropertyRecord, calling its constructor with (br, ent).
 LawPropertyRecord SphereCollision.constructNewPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity e)
          Returns a new SphereCollisionPropertyRecord.

Uses of LawPropertyRecord in noope.output

Subclasses of LawPropertyRecord in noope.output
 class OutputProjectionCirclePropertyRecord
          This subclass of OutputProjectionCirclePropertyRecord represents the Entity as a circle.
 class OutputProjectionColoredPropertyRecord
          This is an abstract subclass of OutputProjectionPropertyRecord implementing a color property.
 class OutputProjectionPointPropertyRecord
          This is a LawPropertyRecord class associated with the OutputProjection law.
 class OutputProjectionPropertyRecord
          This is the LawPropertyRecord class associated with the OutputProjection law.
 class OutputProjectionShapePropertyRecord
          This is an abstract OutputProjectionPropertyRecord class intended to be the base class for things that are to be represented by an object implementing java.awt.geom.Shape.

Methods in noope.output that return LawPropertyRecord
 LawPropertyRecord OutputProjection.constructNewPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Constructs a new OutputProjectionPropertyRecord object.