Uses of Class

Packages that use EntityLoader
noope.core Classes that are core to the NOOPE engine. 
noope.input Classes related to data input. 

Uses of EntityLoader in noope.core

Methods in noope.core that return EntityLoader
 EntityLoader Physics.getEntityLoader()
          Returns the EntityLoader object used by this Physics object.

Constructors in noope.core with parameters of type EntityLoader
Physics(BlockReader brPhysics, LawLoader lawL, EntityLoader entL, LawPropertyRecordLoader lawPRL)
          Constructs a new Physics object, just as the other constructor, but you can specify the XXXXLoader objects to use.

Uses of EntityLoader in noope.input

Subclasses of EntityLoader in noope.input
 class DynamicEntityLoader
          This EntityLoader class loads Entity-s dynamically.
 class HardCodedEntityLoader
          This is an implementation of EntityLoader that has all the Entity classes known to it hard-coded.