Uses of Class

Packages that use BlockReaderLocation
noope.input Classes related to data input. 

Uses of BlockReaderLocation in noope.input

Subclasses of BlockReaderLocation in noope.input
 class BlockReaderLocationWithContext
          This class implements a BlockReaderLocation that contains the context straight away; this is needed when an exception occurs while a BlockReader is being constructed, since then, we don't have it to produce the context from the location.
 class StringBlockReaderLocation
          Class used to hold some identification of a position in the StringBlockReader.

Methods in noope.input that return BlockReaderLocation
abstract  BlockReaderLocation BlockReader.getEntryLocation()
          Returns a BlockReaderLocation object describing the current Entry location.
abstract  BlockReaderLocation BlockReader.getBlockLocation()
          Similar to getEntryLocation
 BlockReaderLocation StringBlockReader.getEntryLocation()
 BlockReaderLocation StringBlockReader.getBlockLocation()
 BlockReaderLocation BRLoadingException.getLocation()
          Returns a BlockReaderLocation object referring to the position in the BlockReader at which the exception has been raised.
 BlockReaderLocation ArrayBlockReader.getEntryLocation()
 BlockReaderLocation ArrayBlockReader.getBlockLocation()

Methods in noope.input with parameters of type BlockReaderLocation
abstract  BlockReaderContext BlockReader.getContext(BlockReaderLocation loc)
          Converts a Location into a fully-qualified Context object.
 BlockReaderContext StringBlockReader.getContext(BlockReaderLocation loc)
 BlockReaderContext ArrayBlockReader.getContext(BlockReaderLocation loc)
abstract  LawPropertyRecord LawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          This method should create a new LawPropertyRecord object.
 LawPropertyRecord HardCodedLawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Creates a new instance of the given class.
abstract  Entity EntityLoader.createEntity(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          This method should create a new Entity object.
 Entity HardCodedEntityLoader.createEntity(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          Creates a new Entity object.
abstract  Law LawLoader.createLaw(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          This method should create a new Law object.
 Law HardCodedLawLoader.createLaw(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Returns a new Law object.
static java.lang.Class BRClassLoaderUtils.getClassWithExactName(BlockReaderLocation brL, java.lang.String className)
          Gets the class with the given name.
static java.lang.Class BRClassLoaderUtils.getClassWithName(BlockReaderLocation brL, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String defaultPackage)
          Tries to get the class with the given name.
static void BRClassLoaderUtils.assertSubClass(BlockReaderLocation brL, java.lang.Class parent, java.lang.Class child)
          This method asserts that the Class child is a subclass of the Class parent If it isn't, a BRLoadingException is thrown.
static java.lang.reflect.Constructor BRClassLoaderUtils.getConstructor(BlockReaderLocation brL, java.lang.Class theClass, java.lang.Class[] paramsClasses)
          Gets the constructor of theClass matching the parameter format paramsClasses.
static java.lang.Object BRClassLoaderUtils.getNewInstance(BlockReaderLocation brL, java.lang.Class theClass, java.lang.reflect.Constructor theConstructor, java.lang.Object[] params)
          Creates a new instance constructed with theConstructor, with params as the arguments.
 LawPropertyRecord DynamicLawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          This method dynamically loads the class with the given name.
 Entity DynamicEntityLoader.createEntity(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          Dynamically loads the Entity class with the given name and creates an instance of it.
 Law DynamicLawLoader.createLaw(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Tries to create a new instance of the law class with the given name.

Constructors in noope.input with parameters of type BlockReaderLocation
BRLoadingException(java.lang.String message, BlockReaderLocation where)
          Constructs a new BRLoadingException object.
BREntryNotFoundException(java.lang.String what, BlockReaderLocation where)
          Constructs a new Exception object.
BlockReaderException(java.lang.String message, BlockReaderLocation where)
          Constructs a new BRLoadingException object.
StringBlockReaderException(java.lang.String s, BlockReaderLocation loc)
BRFileIOException(java.lang.String message, BlockReaderLocation loc, e)
BRLoadingParseException(java.lang.String message, BlockReaderLocation where)
          Constructs an exception with the specified message and location by just calling the inherited constructor.