Uses of Class

Packages that use BlockReader
noope.core Classes that are core to the NOOPE engine. 
noope.entities Classes representing physical objects modelled by NOOPE. 
noope.input Classes related to data input. 
noope.laws Classes describing force laws modelled by NOOPE. 
noope.output Classes related to data output. 

Uses of BlockReader in noope.core

Constructors in noope.core with parameters of type BlockReader
Physics(BlockReader brPhysics)
          Construct a Physics object from the supplied BlockReader, and initialise the Laws and Entities lists.
Physics(BlockReader brPhysics, LawLoader lawL, EntityLoader entL, LawPropertyRecordLoader lawPRL)
          Constructs a new Physics object, just as the other constructor, but you can specify the XXXXLoader objects to use.
Entities(BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          Constructs the Entities object from the supplied BlockReader.
Laws(BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          Constructs the Laws object from the supplied BlockReader.

Uses of BlockReader in noope.entities

Constructors in noope.entities with parameters of type BlockReader
Entity(BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          Construcst an Entity from the supplied BlockReader.

Uses of BlockReader in noope.input

Subclasses of BlockReader in noope.input
 class ArrayBlockReader
          This class implements the simplest possible BlockReader.
 class FileBlockReader
          A StringBlockReader with support for reading from files.
 class StringBlockReader
          A BlockReader that reads in its data from a String.

Methods in noope.input that return BlockReader
abstract  BlockReader BlockReader.getNextBlock()
          Returns the next subblock, which is an instance of BlockReader.
abstract  BlockReader BlockReader.peekNextBlock()
          This method acts as getNextBlock() but does not advance position
 BlockReader StringBlockReader.getNextBlock()
 BlockReader StringBlockReader.peekNextBlock()
 BlockReader ArrayBlockReader.getNextBlock()
 BlockReader ArrayBlockReader.peekNextBlock()

Methods in noope.input with parameters of type BlockReader
abstract  LawPropertyRecord LawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          This method should create a new LawPropertyRecord object.
 LawPropertyRecord HardCodedLawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Creates a new instance of the given class.
abstract  Entity EntityLoader.createEntity(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          This method should create a new Entity object.
 Entity HardCodedEntityLoader.createEntity(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          Creates a new Entity object.
abstract  Law LawLoader.createLaw(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          This method should create a new Law object.
 Law HardCodedLawLoader.createLaw(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Returns a new Law object.
 LawPropertyRecord DynamicLawPropertyRecordLoader.createLawPropertyRecord(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          This method dynamically loads the class with the given name.
 Entity DynamicEntityLoader.createEntity(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, Physics phys)
          Dynamically loads the Entity class with the given name and creates an instance of it.
 Law DynamicLawLoader.createLaw(java.lang.String className, BlockReaderLocation brL, BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Tries to create a new instance of the law class with the given name.

Constructors in noope.input with parameters of type BlockReader
ArrayBlockReader(java.lang.String h, java.lang.String p, java.lang.String[][] e, BlockReader[] sub)
          Construct an ArrayBlockReader from strings and string arrays.

Uses of BlockReader in noope.laws

Methods in noope.laws with parameters of type BlockReader
 LawPropertyRecord Law.constructNewPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Create a new LawPropertyRecord from the BlockReader object.
 LawPropertyRecord Gravity.constructNewPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Returns a new GravityPropertyRecord, calling its constructor with (br, ent).
 LawPropertyRecord SphereCollision.constructNewPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity e)
          Returns a new SphereCollisionPropertyRecord.

Constructors in noope.laws with parameters of type BlockReader
Law(BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Constructs a new Law object from the supplied BlockReader, with lawnumber as its number.
ParticlePairLaw(BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Just calls the inherited constructor.
Gravity(BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Construct a Gravity Law from the supplied BlockReader, with the supplied lawnumber.
LawPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Construct a LawPropertyRecord from the supplied BlockReader, for the supplied Entity.
SphereCollisionPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Constructs a new SphereCollisionPropertyRecord from the given BlockReader.
GravityPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Construct the GravityPropertyRecord from the supplied BlockReader, for the supplied Entity.
SphereCollision(BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Initializes a new SphereCollision law object from the given BlockReader with the given lawnumber.

Uses of BlockReader in noope.output

Methods in noope.output with parameters of type BlockReader
protected static java.awt.Color OutputProjectionColoredPropertyRecord.lookupColor(java.lang.String s, BlockReader br)
          Tries to look up the color named in s.
 LawPropertyRecord OutputProjection.constructNewPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Constructs a new OutputProjectionPropertyRecord object.

Constructors in noope.output with parameters of type BlockReader
OutputProjectionPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Constructs a new OutputProjectionPropertyRecord object from the BlockReader br and for the Entity ent.
OutputProjectionColoredPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Constructs a new OutputProjectionPropertyRecord object from the BlockReader br and for the Entity ent.
OutputProjection(BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)
          Constructs a new OutputProjection object from the given BlockReader with the given lawnumber.
OutputProjectionPointPropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Constructs a new OutputProjectionPointPropertyRecord object from the BlockReader br and for the Entity ent.
OutputProjectionShapePropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Constructs a new OutputProjectionShapePropertyRecord object from the BlockReader br, for the Enitity ent.
OutputProjectionCirclePropertyRecord(BlockReader br, Entity ent)
          Calls the inherited constructor and then reads the double "radius" from br.
OutputText(BlockReader br, int lawnumber, Physics phys)