Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector3D
noope.core Classes that are core to the NOOPE engine. 
noope.entities Classes representing physical objects modelled by NOOPE. 
noope.output Classes related to data output. 

Uses of Vector3D in noope.core

Subclasses of Vector3D in noope.core
 class MutableVector3D
          A mutable extension of Vector3D.

Fields in noope.core declared as Vector3D
static Vector3D Vector3D.ex
          Unit vector in x direction
static Vector3D Vector3D.ey
          Unit vector in y direction
static Vector3D Vector3D.ez
          Unit vector in z direction

Methods in noope.core that return Vector3D
 Vector3D Vector3D.getUnitVector()
          Return a new Vector3D representing a unit vector in the direction of this Vector3D.
 Vector3D Vector3D.negative()
          Return a new Vector3D in the opposite direction to this Vector3D.
 Vector3D Vector3D.multScalar(double d)
          Return a new Vector3D which is result of multiplying each component of this Vector3D by the scalar d.
 Vector3D Vector3D.add(Vector3D v)
          Return a new Vector3D representing the vector sum of this Vector3D and the Vector3D v.
 Vector3D Vector3D.subtract(Vector3D v)
          Return a new Vector3D representing the vector difference between this Vector3D and the Vector3D v.
 Vector3D Vector3D.crossProduct(Vector3D v)
          Return the cross product of this Vector3D and the Vector3D v.

Methods in noope.core with parameters of type Vector3D
 boolean Vector3D.equals(Vector3D v)
          Compare two Vector3D objects.
 Vector3D Vector3D.add(Vector3D v)
          Return a new Vector3D representing the vector sum of this Vector3D and the Vector3D v.
 Vector3D Vector3D.subtract(Vector3D v)
          Return a new Vector3D representing the vector difference between this Vector3D and the Vector3D v.
 double Vector3D.dotProduct(Vector3D v)
          Return the scalar product of this Vector3D and the Vector3D v.
 Vector3D Vector3D.crossProduct(Vector3D v)
          Return the cross product of this Vector3D and the Vector3D v.
 void MutableVector3D.addInplace(Vector3D v)
          Increment this Vector3D by the Vector3D v inplace.
 void MutableVector3D.subtractInplace(Vector3D v)
          Decrement this Vector3D by the Vector3D v inplace.

Constructors in noope.core with parameters of type Vector3D
Vector3D(Vector3D v)
          Construct a Vector3D equal to v.
MutableVector3D(Vector3D v)
          Construct a MutableVector3D equal to v.

Uses of Vector3D in noope.entities

Methods in noope.entities that return Vector3D
 Vector3D Entity.getPosition()
          Return this Entity's position
 Vector3D Entity.getVelocity()
          Return this Entity's velocity
protected  Vector3D Entity.getActiveForce()
          Return this Entity's own contribution to the resultant force.

Methods in noope.entities with parameters of type Vector3D
 void Entity.addForce(Vector3D force)
          Apply a force to this Entity.
 void Entity.setVelocity(Vector3D newVelocity)
          This method has been added, because it is needed by certain laws like SphereCollision.
 void Entity.setPosition(Vector3D newPosition)
          While I was at it, I've also added this method, in case it'll be needed later for some other law.

Uses of Vector3D in noope.output

Fields in noope.output declared as Vector3D
protected  Vector3D OutputProjection.normal
          The unit normal to the plane we are projecting on.
protected  Vector3D OutputProjection.xnew
          The new x and y unit vectors.
protected  Vector3D OutputProjection.ynew
          The new x and y unit vectors.